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        建研院检测中心有限公司(以下简称“中心”)为国务院国有资产监督管理委员会下属中央企业中国建筑科学研究院有限公司的全资子公司,其前身是中国建筑科学研究院建筑工程检测中心,成立于 1989 年。中心拥有国家建筑工程质量检验检测中心和国家化学建筑材料测试中心(建工测试部),是我国首批经政府授权的国家级检验检测和分析测试机构。 

       中心主要开展建筑结构、地基基础、桥梁隧道、绿色 建筑、建筑节能、建筑消防、建筑智能等建筑工程、 产品及材料的质量检验、司法鉴定、能力验证、工程 质量风险评估、技术咨询,建设工程质量检测领域职 业教育培训评价及职业技能等级培训,以及《工程质量》 杂志编辑出版等工作。  

       中心致力于服务政府与社会,业务遍布全国及世界 各地,多次受国家政府部门委托,对国内外重大工 程和突发公共安全事故进行检测、鉴定和调查,为 政府提供有力的技术支持。中心坚持以创新促发 展,积极关注国家科技发展战略和行业发展动态, 不断提升科技研发和创新能力。先后负责和参与 “十一五”“十二五”“十三五”“十四五”等国家 重大项目(课题),主编国家及行业标准 50 余项,获 省部级以上科技奖励 30 余项。

      中心致力于促进行业交流,引领行业发展,承担着中 国合格评定国家认可委员会 (CNAS) 工程建设与建材专 业委员会、中国土木工程学会 (CCES) 工程质量分会、 中国工程建设标准化协会 (CECS) 检测与试验专业委员 会、中国计量测试学会室内环境及材料测试分会等学 协会分支机构的秘书处管理职能,为推动我国建筑工 程质量检验检测领域发展做出了积极贡献。

     中心秉承“科学、公正、准确、诚信”的质量方针, 致力于为客户提供全面优质的成套技术服务,努力打 造成为全国建设检测领域最全面、最专业、最受信赖 的权威检测鉴定机构。

     CABR Testing Center Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the "Center" ) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Academy of Building Research, a central enterprise under the state owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Its predecessor was the construction engineering testing center of China Academy of Building Research, which was established in 1989. The Center owns the National Center for Quality Inspection and Test of Building Engineering, and National Center for Test of Chemical Building Materials. It is our first state-level analytical test institution.

     The Center mainly carries out quality inspection, judicial appraisal, capability verification, project quality risk assessment (TIS), technical consultation, vocational education and training evaluation and vocational skill level training in the field of construction project quality inspection, such as building structure, foundation, bridge and tunnel, green building, building energy conservation, building fire protection, building intelligence and other construction projects, products and materials. In addition, the Center is also responsible for publishing and issuing the journal of  Engineering Quality.

     The Center is committed to serving the government and society, and its business covers all over the country and around the world. It has been entrusted by national government departments for many times to detect, identify and investigate major projects and sudden public safety accidents at home and abroad, so as to provide strong technical support for the government. The center adheres to promoting development through innovation, actively pays attention to national science and technology development policies and the development of new technologies in the industry, continuously improve scientific and technological research and innovation capabilities. The Center has edited more than 50 national industry standards and won more than 30 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. The Center has successively been responsible for and participated in national major projects or topics such as The 11th Five-Year Plan, The 12th Five-Year Plan, The 13th Five-Year Plan and The 14th Five-Year Plan.

     The Center also undertakes centralized management of other four national centers set up in the Academy. Furthermore, it actively develops training for testing techniques, promotes industry technology exchanges constantly, and leads the development of the industry.

     Adhering to the quality policy of "science, fairness, accuracy and honesty", the Center is committed to providing customers with comprehensive and high-quality complete sets of technical services. The Center's vision is to become one of the most comprehensive, professional, and trusted authorities of testing and appraisal for construction testing in China.



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